Sunday, December 29, 2013

Canadiens @ Lightning Highlights 12/28/13

Yeah, as it was said in the last post, it was a great game! The Canadiens won the match in the shoot out in an amazingly equal game.

The first period was warm and didn't offered us much. But in the second period the teams got in the game! Both goals were scored in this period, first the Canadiens scored with Tomas Plekanec with about 5 minutes played and the Lightning tied up the match with a wrist shot by #26 Martin St. Louis with about 8 minutes to go.

In the third period and in the overtime the teams had plenty of opportunities, but the goalies held the draw and led the game into the shoot out.

With an amazing performance by Price that defended the three shots from the Bolts and with a goal of Lars Eller, the Canadiens won the game and now are only one point behind us.

Next game is today against the NY Rangers in the Tampa Bay Times Forum. LET'S GO LIGHTNING!!!


É, como foi dito no último post, foi um grande jogo! Os Canadiens venceram a partida no shoot out em um jogo incrivelmente igual.

O primeiro período foi morno e não nos ofereceu muita coisa. Mas no segundo período os times entraram no jogo! Ambos os gols saíram neste período, primeiro os Canadiens marcaram com Tomas Plekanec com cerca de 5 minutos a o Lightning empatou a partida com um wrist shot do #26 Martin St. Louis com cerca de 8 minutos restantes.

No terceiro peíodo e no overtime os times tiveram muitas oportunidades, mas os goleiros seguraram o empate e levaram a partida para o shoot out.

Com uma performance incrível de Price que defendeu os três tiros dos Bolts e com um gol de Lars Eller, os Canadiens venceram a partida e agora estão apenas um ponto atrás de nós.

O próximo jogo é contra o NY Rangers no Tampa Bay Times Forum. LET'S GO LIGHTNING!!!

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